Author(s): Aranyak Ram, Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee, Sk Mahbub Alam, Snehasis Jana, Rohan Pal


DOI: 10.52711/2231-5713.2024.00054   

Address: Aranyak Ram1, Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee1, Sk Mahbub Alam1, Snehasis Jana2, Rohan Pal3*
1Department of Pharmacology, Global College of Pharmaceutical Technology, Krishnanagar, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
2Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, Haringhata, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
3Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Global College of Pharmaceutical Technology, Krishnanagar, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2024

Live microorganisms that give the host health benefits when taken in pre-determined doses are known as Probiotics. Probiotics are gaining popularity worldwide and are widely used in food and medicine. Consumption of probiotics is increasing with further in-depth research on the relationship between intestinal flora and host health. Most people pay more attention to the function of probiotics but ignore their potential risks, such as infection and antibiotic resistance transfer to pathogenic microbes. Some probiotic strains harbour genes for resistance that could potentially be shared with harmful bacteria in the gut, contributing to the overall problem of antimicrobial resistance. This horizontal gene transfer is one mechanism by which antibiotic resistance (AMR) could arise due to probiotics. This horizontal gene transfer is successfully carried out by, Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction processes. Probiotics, live bacteria offering gut health benefits, are generally safe. However, some potential risks exist. Certain probiotic strains may carry genes for antibiotic resistance on plasmids, transferable DNA. This raises the concern of creating multi-drug resistant pathogens. Additionally, some individuals with weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions may experience side effects like bloating or gas. To mitigate these risks, choosing probiotics with well-researched strains and documented safety profiles is crucial. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting probiotics, especially if immunocompromised or with chronic conditions, is also recommended. In this document we attempted to list few of the antibiotic resistance (AMR) which propagate through probiotics.

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Aranyak Ram, Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee, Sk Mahbub Alam, Snehasis Jana, Rohan Pal. A Review on the Resistance of Probiotic Microorganisms to Antibiotics. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 14(4):330-0. doi: 10.52711/2231-5713.2024.00054

Aranyak Ram, Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee, Sk Mahbub Alam, Snehasis Jana, Rohan Pal. A Review on the Resistance of Probiotic Microorganisms to Antibiotics. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 14(4):330-0. doi: 10.52711/2231-5713.2024.00054   Available on:

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