A. K. Meena, Jyoti Meena, Ankush Jadhav, M. M. Padhi
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A. K. Meena1, Jyoti Meena2, Ankush Jadhav1 and M. M. Padhi3
1National Research Institute for Ayurveda - Siddha Human Resource Development, Gwalior.
2Maharani Shri Jaya College (MSJ), Bharatpur, Rajasthan.
3Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058.
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Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2014
Hiptage benghalensis (L) Kurz belongs to the family Malphigiaceae. The plant has strong therapeutic potential thus occasionally cultivated for medicinal purposes in several traditional medicines to cure various diseases. This plant has been known to possess antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancerous, antimutagenic and hepatoprotective activity. According to Ayurveda, Hiptage benghalensis is cooling, vulnerary, astringent, expectorant, cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, wound healing and used in burning sensation of the body, wound, pruritus, foul ulcers, scabies, leprosy, skin diseases, cough, asthma, cardiac debility, rheumatism, hyperdipsia, obesity, intrinsic haemorrhage etc. The presented review summarizes the information concerning the botany, ethno pharmacology, phytochemistry and biological activity of this plant.
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A. K. Meena, Jyoti Meena, Ankush Jadhav, M. M. Padhi. A review on Hiptage benghalensis (Madhavilata) used as an Ayurvedic drug. Asian J. Pharm. Tech. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 1, Pg 28-31.
A. K. Meena, Jyoti Meena, Ankush Jadhav, M. M. Padhi. A review on Hiptage benghalensis (Madhavilata) used as an Ayurvedic drug. Asian J. Pharm. Tech. 2014; Vol. 4: Issue 1, Pg 28-31. Available on: