Author(s): Pooja Jaunjal, Parimal Katolkar


DOI: 10.52711/2231-5713.2022.00026   

Address: Pooja Jaunjal, Parimal Katolkar
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Kamla Nehru College of Pharmacy, Nagpur, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2022

Herbal cosmetics have growing demand on the earth market and are a precious gift of nature. Herbal formulations continuously have attracted gigantic concentration on the grounds that of their good endeavor and comparatively lesser or nil side effect with synthetic medications. Hair loss problem is of great significance to both men and women. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss or baldness. It is a health condition in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body, usually from the scalp. Hair loss can be caused due to different reasons, such as genetics, environmental triggers, exposure to chemicals, medicines, nutritional deficiency, extreme stress or long illness etc. This hindrance could be solved by the use of natural medicines obtained from herbs. Various herbs are being used to preclude the hair loss and remorse of hairs. Herbs are starting material for any medicine research. Approximately about 80% residents recommended herbal drugs for their beneficial effects along with fewer side effects as compared synthetic drugs.

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Pooja Jaunjal, Parimal Katolkar. The Wonder of Herbs to Treat – Alopecia. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 12(2):151-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5713.2022.00026

Pooja Jaunjal, Parimal Katolkar. The Wonder of Herbs to Treat – Alopecia. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 12(2):151-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5713.2022.00026   Available on:

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