Author(s): Madhurima Thakur, Inder Kumar, Sunny Dhiman


DOI: 10.52711/2231-5713.2023.00051   

Address: Madhurima Thakur1, Inder Kumar2, Sunny Dhiman3*
1School of Pharmacy, Abhilashi University, Mandi, HP, India.
2Minerva College of Pharmacy, Indora, Distt. Kangra, HP, India.
3Chandigarh College of Pharmacy, CGC Landran, Mohali, Punjab, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2023

Higher organisms developed the inflammation as a defence mechanism against infection and injuries. Chronic Inflammation is a progressive reaction which end at damage of living tissues. Several synthetic compounds had been used for fighting against uncontrolled inflammation. However, some of these compounds had significant adverse along with their anti-inflammatory properties. So, there is still need of some new anti-inflammatory compounds with least or no adverse effects. Numerous herbs including Ashwagandha, Calendula, Cat’s claw; Chamomile, Cilantro, Licorice root, Parsley, Curcuma longa, Zingiber officinale, Rosmarinus officinale, Borago officinale, Rosemary, Evening primrose, Devil’s claw had been evaluated for their anti-inflammation potentials and potent results was obtained with non-significant adverse effects. Plant named as Artemisia princeps. Family-Asteraceae has been evaluated for its pharmacological abilities and proved as significant herb for treatment of various pathological conditions. This review comprises the pharmacological abilities of Artemisia princeps. Linn and its Phytoconstituents with special emphasis on its anti-inflammatory potential. In the current literature survey, Selected plant was found to contain substantial number of phytoconstituent with pharmacological abilities Including Apigenin, Diosmetin, Eriodicytol, Eupafolin, Kaempferol, Vitex, Jaceosidine and Querecetine. Further literature survey also provides the anti-inflammatory potentials of phytoconstituents present in Artemisia princeps.

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Madhurima Thakur, Inder Kumar, Sunny Dhiman. A Review on Artemisia princeps: Pharmacology and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Phytoconstituents. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023; 13(4):285-2. doi: 10.52711/2231-5713.2023.00051

Madhurima Thakur, Inder Kumar, Sunny Dhiman. A Review on Artemisia princeps: Pharmacology and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Phytoconstituents. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023; 13(4):285-2. doi: 10.52711/2231-5713.2023.00051   Available on:

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