Author(s): Vani Mamillapalli, Ratna Harika Chapala, Tejaswi Komal Sai Sareddu, Latha Sri Kondaveeti, Santhi Pattipati, Padmalatha Khantamneni


DOI: 10.5958/2231-5713.2020.00025.2   

Address: Vani Mamillapalli1*, Ratna Harika Chapala1, Tejaswi Komal Sai Sareddu1, Latha Sri Kondaveeti1, Santhi Pattipati1, Padmalatha Khantamneni2
1Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vijaya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Women, Enikepadu-521108, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dt.), Andhra Pradesh, India.
2Department of Pharmacology, Vijaya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Women, Enikepadu-521108, Vijayawada, Krishna (Dt.), Andhra Pradesh, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2020

The plant Casuarina equisetifolia, commonly called as horse tail belonging to family Casuarinaceae is used traditionally for the treatment of infections, ulcers, cough, diarrhea etc. The plant is a rich source of tannins and flavonoids. In the current study the plant leaf, fruit aqueous and ethanolic extracts were determined for total flavonoid content followed by in vitro anti-inflammatory activity study by HRBC membrane stabilization and protein denaturation assays. The results indicate that highest amount of rutin equivalent flavonoids were present in ethanolic extract of leaf, aqueous and ethanolic extracts of fruit. Fruit extracts exhibited highest % inhibition of lysis of HRBC. Aqueous leaf and fruit extracts exhibited highest inhibition of protein denaturation, The results indicate that further in vivo studies, phytochemical isolation, characterization studies could be conducted for plant extracts.

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Vani Mamillapalli, Ratna Harika Chapala, Tejaswi Komal Sai Sareddu, Latha Sri Kondaveeti, Santhi Pattipati, Padmalatha Khantamneni. Evaluation of Phytochemical and in Vitro Anti-Inflammatory activity of Leaf and Fruit Extracts of Casuarina equisetifolia. Asian J. Pharm. Tech. 2020; 10(3):143-148. doi: 10.5958/2231-5713.2020.00025.2

Vani Mamillapalli, Ratna Harika Chapala, Tejaswi Komal Sai Sareddu, Latha Sri Kondaveeti, Santhi Pattipati, Padmalatha Khantamneni. Evaluation of Phytochemical and in Vitro Anti-Inflammatory activity of Leaf and Fruit Extracts of Casuarina equisetifolia. Asian J. Pharm. Tech. 2020; 10(3):143-148. doi: 10.5958/2231-5713.2020.00025.2   Available on:

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